Hair Fall Due To Dandruff: Unraveling the Connection In Between

Hair Fall Due To Dandruff: Unraveling the Connection In Between

Hair fall due to dandruff, a topic that has left us all scratching our heads in frustration! I’m sure you’re aware of the white-flaky specks that snow on your shoulders. Yes, dandruff is an annoying yet common condition that almost half of the population goes through. Hair loss by dandruff is one of the problems that come along with itchiness and discomfort. But fret not! We’ll explore the causes, debunk myths, and share practical remedies to tackle dandruff head-on. So, get ready to bid farewell to hair fall and dandruff and say hello to a healthier, happier scalp. Let's dive right in!

What is Dandruff? Can Dandruff Cause Hair Fall?

Ah, dandruff, a mischievous phenomenon that looks like winter confetti but not in the most enchanting way. It's a skin condition that causes the cells on your scalp to flake. Your scalp goes through a natural cycle of cell renewal, and when this cycle gets a little out of balance, the skin cells on your scalp start reproducing faster. Unfortunately, this leads to an excess buildup of dead skin cells that team up together, resulting in dandruff. Though it is not a severe and contagious skin issue, it still comes with disadvantages that dampen our confidence.

Hair Fall Due To Dandruff: Myth Or a Fact?

Dandruff and hair loss are a duo that nobody is fond of. When it comes to the topic of hair fall due to dandruff, it's important to separate the myths from the facts. There’s always a controversial debate between dandruff and hair loss. And many of us have questions like “Can dandruff cause hair fall?” or “Does dandruff cause hair thinning?” The truth is that dandruff can indeed contribute to increased hair fall (sorry to break it to you!). While dandruff itself may not directly cause hair loss, the associated factors, such as scalp inflammation, fungal infections, and excessive oil, can weaken the hair follicles. This ends up leading to hair breakage and shedding. Understanding the reality of hair fall due to dandruff is crucial in order to address the issue effectively and seek appropriate solutions for healthy hair.

Reasons for Hair Fall due to dandruff

Hair fall due to dandruff can occur for several reasons. When left untreated, dandruff can weaken your hair follicles and also lead to hair breakage, thinning, and shedding. Here are some common factors contributing to hair loss by dandruff:

Skipping hair wash days

It's normal to be scared of watching your hair go down the shower drain. People with hair fall due to dandruff stop washing their hair because they fear losing more hair, but in reality, it only worsens it. When you don't wash your hair for a prolonged period, you allow oils, dead cells and dirt to build up on your scalp and clog your pores, paving the way for more hair loss. Infrequent washing tends to increase the risk of heavy hair fall due to dandruff.

Itching and scratching

One of the extreme hair fall reasons caused by dandruff is itchiness. The production of new cells way too quickly leads to the buildup of dead skin cells that are flaky and itchy. Constant scratching can lead to wounds and scabs that severely damage your scalp. When a person scratches an itchy scalp repeatedly or intensely, they can damage their skin and hair follicles, resulting in temporary hair loss from the scratching.


Inflammation is our body’s way of reacting to an annoyance or irritant. And since dandruff causes itching and irritation. Continuous scratching can damage the hair follicles and weaken the hair, resulting in hair fall. The inflammation can also cause scarring and damage that prevents new hair from growing out. If this is not rectified, it can become permanent or semi-permanent hair loss due to dandruff.

Other Infections

One of the reasons for hair fall due to dandruff that goes unnoticed is secondary infections. Vigourouly scratching your scalp due to dandruff can create openings in the skin, making it easier for bacterial or fungal infections to penetrate. These secondary infections contribute to hair fall since bacteria can enter the skin through damaged hair follicles, causing an infection.

There could be several other reasons for hair fall from roots in females, so before jumping to conclusions, it would be smart to consult a dermatologist who can give you proper medical guidance!

Effective Ways to Manage hair fall due to Dandruff

Reasons for dandruff in hair are based on numerous factors. While these scalp invaders can be persistent, we’re here to give you some effective tips on how to stop dandruff and hair fall.

Consistent Hygiene

 A basic yet effective step to deal with heavy hair fall due to dandruff is to wash your hair regularly with a mild shampoo to remove any buildup. Ensure not to over-wash, as it can strip the scalp of its natural oils and cause dryness. It's best advised to choose a gentle shampoo and find a washing frequency that suits your hair type and scalp condition. If you're unsure, consulting with a dermatologist or a hair care professional can help.

Anti-Dandruff Shampoos

A good pair of anti-dandruff shampoo and conditioner can help control the factors contributing to dandruff, such as excess oil production or scalp inflammation. Buildup is one of the major reasons for dandruff in hair, so look for shampoos specifically formulated to remove dead skin cells and combat dandruff and hair loss. While anti-dandruff shampoos focus on treating dandruff, they also indirectly contribute to reducing hair fall by keeping the scalp clean and healthy.

Maintain a Healthy Lifestyle

A nutritious diet and regular exercise play a vital role in promoting overall scalp and hair health. Consuming a well-balanced diet that includes essential vitamins, minerals, proteins, and healthy fats can help prevent dandruff and hair loss. Drinking an adequate amount of water helps keep the scalp hydrated, prevents dryness, and supports the overall health of hair follicles. By adopting a healthy lifestyle, you can positively impact hair loss by dandruff.

Exfoliating your scalp

Scalp exfoliation works wonders in combating dandruff on your scalp. By gently exfoliating your scalp, it helps to remove the buildup of dead skin cells, oil excess and product residue that can contribute to dandruff formation. This process not only unclogs the hair follicles but also promotes better blood circulation, allowing the scalp to breathe and rejuvenate. As a result, the chances of flaky, irritated skin diminish, giving way to a healthier, more balanced scalp.

DIY Hair Mask To Combat Dandruff

You can give yourself a hair fall and dandruff treatment at home using natural ingredients in your kitchen. Get ready to bid farewell to those pesky flakes and welcome a scalp that's as fresh as a daisy:


  • 2 tablespoons fenugreek seeds
  • 4 tablespoons aloe vera gel
  • 4 tablespoons plain yogurt
  • 1 tablespoon honey


STEP 01 - Soak the fenugreek seeds in water overnight or for at least 4-6 hours until they become soft.

STEP 02 - Drain the water from the fenugreek seeds and grind them into a fine paste. Mix the fenugreek paste, aloe vera gel, yogurt, and honey until well combined.

STEP 03 - Apply the mixture to your scalp and hair, focusing on the areas affected by dandruff.

( Ensure your hair is damp before applying the mask)

STEP 04 - Gently massage the mask into your scalp using your fingertips for a few minutes to stimulate circulation and promote absorption.

STEP 05 - Leave the mask on for about 30 minutes to 1 hour to allow the ingredients to work on your scalp and hair.

Rinse your hair thoroughly with lukewarm water and follow up with a mild shampoo to wash away all residue.

Fenugreek seeds have anti-inflammatory and antifungal properties that can help reduce scalp inflammation and combat the causes of dandruff. Aloe vera soothes the scalp and provides hydration, while yogurt contains probiotics that help balance the scalp's health. Honey has natural antimicrobial properties and can add moisture to the hair and scalp.

Bringing It All Together,

there you have it, folks! We've indulged into the world of dandruff and hair loss, exploring the causes, remedies, and lifestyle factors that can make a difference. While dandruff and hair loss might be a nuisance, they don't have to bring you down. Remember, you're not alone in this battle of the flakes!

From effective and practical methods to homemade hair masks and healthy habits, you are armed with a long list of tips and tricks to tackle these flaky problems. Let's show them who's boss!

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