4 products

Natural moisturizer for that radiant glow

We believe that hydration is the key to maintaining youthful, supple, and healthy-looking skin. Moisturizer is the most vital part of your skincare routine. Using a good moisturizer on your skin consistently helps you achieve that flawless natural glow. There are tons of face creams online, and it can be hard to buy moisturizers that don't contain harsh chemicals.

All about us and our natural skin care products

Is it good to use a moisturizer with SPF?

Sunscreen and SPF are two vital steps in any skincare routine. An SPF moisturizer combines both these essential skincare products. It protects your skin against harmful UV rays while hydrating your skin and smooth and supple.

Can I use face cream every day?

Yes, applying face cream consistently every day improves your skin’s appearance. It is necessary for your skin’s moisture level to be content.

What is the difference between a day cream and a night cream?

When looking for face creams online, it could be a bit confusing between day and night creams and how they’re designed to work on your skin. Day cream is formulated to protect your skin from UV rays, pollution and other factors, while night cream nourishes and repairs your skin when you sleep.

Can moisturizer help with dry skin?

One of the main properties of moisturiser is to hydrate your skin. A good moisturizer will help dry skin as it seals in moisture throughout the day, preventing your skin from getting parched and dry.

Fleur Colonie is a nature-based brand with products made from exotic botanicals. Our face moisturizer for women hydrates your skin naturally, helping you age with minimal evidence. Our moisturizers contain vitamins that protect your skin from UV rays and natural oils that deeply moisturize and regenerate your skin cells. It’s one of the best hydrating moisturizer for your skin.

Sometimes our skin cannot hold moisture and becomes rough and flaky. Moisturizing your skin helps revive it and prevent dryness from developing. Regular use of a high-quality face moisturizer for women can help improve skin elasticity, reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, and provide a luminous and youthful glow. We offer a wide range of face moisturizers for women, catering to different skin types and concerns. .A simple yet essential part of your everyday routine that can help seal in moisture.